Govt BAMS College in AYUSH Collegs
States to choose the BAMS Colleges
Counselling Rounds
NEET Qualified
Only around 5385 students in India, or 0.24% of the 23 Lac applicants in NEET-2024, will be able to secure a BAMS government seat in Ayurvedic colleges. To fulfill their dreams, the remaining students must either pay a around Rs. 15-20 Lakhs to attend private ayurvedic medical colleges in India or search for a other course.
13,274 candidates registered for the Ayurveda stream in the AACCC UG counseling in 2023 for approx. 848 Govt BAMS seats. If your NEET score is above 326 you have a decent chance of Govt seat allotment under AACCC Counselling.
Many Govt Ayurveda colleges have compulsory rural service bond. Under rural bond colleges, you must serve under respective state govt upto 5 years in the health sector including institutions under NHS or 1 year of rural service areas after completing the BAMS course.
Among 98 Govt Ayurveda colleges, tuition fees range as low as Rs 1800 up to Rs 135000 per year.
Further, stipend in these Govt BAMS colleges ranges as low as Rs. 2850 / month and up to Rs. 29733 / month. Choosing the right BAMS college will help candidate to save on tuition fees and offers good stipend in the reputed Govt ayurved colleges.
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Discover all 98 Government Ayurvedic Colleges, including – Tuition fees, Hostel fees, Location details.
Explore information on the stipend provided during internship at various government colleges.
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