Important Books And Preparation Material For NEET SS Surgery : A Comprehensive Preparation Guide

Surgery is a very demanding field and I am sure everyone reading this article is passionate about surgery and eager to get into super-specialisation. As we all know NEET SS and INISS are the routes to get into super-specialisation in India.
Utilization of resources to get into training through the NEET SS General Surgery exam is what we are going to discuss in detail today.
As far as the preparation of this exam is concerned both the pillars of surgery including general and systemic surgery are pretty crucial. It is undoubtedly not easy to cover the whole surgery portions for NEET SS but one must always remember it is not impossible if you work smart.

Books you need to read for NEET SS Surgery Preparation:

One thing must be kept clear that there are other resource books and notes apart from the ones mentioned here but it is impossible to read all available material in the market but here is an easy way to approach it
So, the list is as follows:

Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery:

This is the core of your preparation for this exam.
This is undoubtedly one of the best books in surgery at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is really good for quick learning and concept building. It will cover the major chunk of your syllabus. Bailey and Love is an easy-to-read textbook that can be covered in 30 days. Just use the latest 27th edition as there have been multiple updates when compared to the 26th edition.
Many questions are asked from the updates and you can only answer that if you have gone through the latest version yourself. You have to go through the whole book A to Z. You cannot even miss a single diagram as sometimes they simply take up a simple picture from this book and ask you a question in the exam.
So please go through all the diagrams carefully, and cover all topics including OBG. Keep the special focus on the image-based questions, illustrated revision notes, and revision tables.
The topics in Basics of surgery might be a little difficult for you to grasp at first. Use the videos on the Surgtest app to supplement your prep. Here are a few sample videos from the SURGTEST General surgery video lectures that will help you supplement your preparation.